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Recent Publications -- James W. Kirchner

Submitted manuscripts (*=current or former student)

73.  Roering, J.J.,* J.W. Kirchner and W.E. Dietrich, Characterizing structural and lithologic controls on deep-seated landsliding: implications for topographic relief and landscape evolution in the Oregon Coast Range, USA, in review, Geological Society of America Bulletin.   [PDF]

72. Kirchner, J.W., Aliasing in 1/f noise spectra: origins, consequences, and remedies, in review, Physical Review E[PDF]

Refereed publications(*=current or former student)
N.B. These are classified by 3-letter codes according to the general disciplines to which they belong,
as follows:
H2O Catchment hydrology and geochemistry
GEO Geomorphology and Earth surface processes
ECO Evolution and ecology
OTH All other topics

Many of these are available as PDF reprints.
File sizes are indicated if they exceed 1MB.

71. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Erosional and climatic effects on long-term chemical weathering rates in granitic landscapes spanning diverse climatic regimes, in press, Earth and Planetary Science Letters[PDF]

70. (H2O) Manga, M. and J.W. Kirchner, Interpreting the temperature of water at cold springs and the importance of gravitational potential energy, in press, Water Resources Research[PDF]

69. (H2O) Feng, X., J.W. Kirchner, and C. Neal, Measuring catchment-scale chemical retardation using spectral analysis of reactive and passive chemical tracer time series, Journal of Hydrology, 292, 296-307, 2004.  [PDF]

68. (H2O) Feng, X., J.W. Kirchner, and C. Neal, Spectral analysis of chemical time series from long-term catchment monitoring studies: hydrochemical insights and data requirements, in press, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.  [PDF] 67. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., X. Feng, C. Neal, and A.J. Robson, The fine structure of water-quality dynamics: the (high-frequency) wave of the future, Hydrological Processes, 18, 1353-1359, 2004.  [PDF]

66. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Sharp decrease in long-term chemical weathering rates along an altitudinal transect, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 218, 421-434, 2004.  [PDF]

65. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 62, 4411-4427, 2003.  [PDF]

64. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., A double paradox in catchment hydrology and geochemistry,  Hydrological Processes, 17, 871-874, 2003.  [PDF]

63. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia Hypothesis: conjectures and refutations, Climatic Change, 58, 21-45, 2003.  [PDF]

62. (GEO) Micheli, E.R.*, J.W. Kirchner, and E.W. Larsen, Quantifying the effect of riparian forest versus agricultural vegetation on river meander migration rates, Central Sacramento River, California, U.S.A., in press, River Research and Applications.  [PDF]

61. (H2O) Taylor, S., X. Feng, C.E. Renshaw, and J.W. Kirchner, Isotopic evolution of snowmelt: II. Verification and parameterization of a 1-D model using laboratory experiments, Water Resources Research, 38, 1218, doi:10.1029/2001WR000815, 2002.  [PDF]

60. (H2O) Feng, X., S. Taylor, C.E. Renshaw, and J.W. Kirchner, Isotopic evolution of snowmelt: I. A physically based 1-D model, Water Resources Research, 38, 1217, doi:10.1029/2001WR000814, 2002.  [PDF]

59. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., Evolutionary speed limits inferred from the fossil record, Nature, 415, 65-68, 2002. [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

58. (GEO) Micheli, E.R.* and J.W. Kirchner, Effects of wet meadow vegetation on streambank erosion. 2: Measurements of vegetated bank strength and consequences for failure mechanics, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,27, 687-697, 2002.  [PDF]

57. (GEO) Micheli, E.R.* and J.W. Kirchner, Effects of wet meadow vegetation on streambank erosion. 1: Remote sensing measurements of stream bank migration and erodibility,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27, 627-639, 2002.  [PDF 1MB]

56. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and B.A. Roy, Evolutionary implications of host-pathogen specificity: Fitness consequences of pathogen virulence traits, Evolutionary Ecology Research,4, 27-48, 2002.  [PDF]

55. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia hypothesis: fact, theory, and wishful thinking, Climatic Change, 52, 391-408, 2002.  [PDF]

54. (GEO) Roering, J.J.*, J.W. Kirchner, L.E. Sklar and W.E. Dietrich, Hillslope evolution by nonlinear creep and landsliding: an experimental study: Reply to Bons and van Milligen, Geology, 30, 482, 2002.  [PDF]

53. (OTH) Balser, T.C., J.W. Kirchner and M.K. Firestone, Methodological variability in microbial community level physiological profiles, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66, 519-523, 2002.  [PDF]

52. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., Fractal power spectra plotted upside-down: Comment on 'Scaling of power spectrum of extinction events in the fossil record', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 192, 617-621, 2001.  [PDF]

51. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and B.A. Roy, Evolutionary implications of host-pathogen specificity: Fitness consequences of host life history traits, Evolutionary Ecology, 14, 665-692, 2001.  [PDF]

50. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., X.H. Feng, and C. Neal, Catchment-scale advection and dispersion as a mechanism for fractal scaling in stream tracer concentrations, Journal of Hydrology, 254, 81-100, 2001.  [PDF]

49. (H2O) Feng, X.H., J.W. Kirchner, C. E. Renshaw, R. Osterhuber, B. Klaue and S. Taylor, A study of solute transport mechanisms using rare earth element tracers and artificial rain storms on snow, Water Resources Research,37, 1425-1435, 2001.  [PDF]

48. (H2O) Taylor, S., X. Feng, J.W. Kirchner, C. Renshaw, B. Klaue and R. Osterhuber, Isotopic evolution of a seasonal snowpack and its melt, Water Resources Research,37, 759-769, 2001.  [PDF]

47. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.*, J.W. Kirchner, and D.E. Granger*, Quantifying quartz enrichment and its consequences for cosmogenic measurements of erosion rates from alluvial sediment and regolith, Geomorphology, 40, 15-19, 2001.  [PDF]

46. (GEO) Granger, D.E.*, C.S. Riebe*, J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Modulation of erosion on steep granitic slopes by boulder armoring, as revealed by cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,186, 269-281, 2001.  [PDF]

45. (GEO) Roering, J.J.*, J.W. Kirchner, and W.E. Dietrich, Hillslope evolution by nonlinear, slope-dependent transport: Steady-state morphology and equilibrium adjustment timescales, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 B8, 16499-16514, 2001.  [PDF 3.2MB]

44. (GEO) Roering, J.J.*, J.W. Kirchner, L.E. Sklar and W.E. Dietrich, Hillslope evolution by nonlinear creep and landsliding: an experimental study, Geology, 29, 143-146, 2001.  [PDF]

43. (GEO) Kirchner, J.W., R.C. Finkel, C.S. Riebe*, D.E. Granger*, J.L. Clayton, J.G. King and W.F. Megahan, Mountain erosion over 10-year, 10,000-year, and 10,000,000-year timescales, Geology, 29, 591-594, 2001. [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

42. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, D.E. Granger*, and R.C. Finkel, Strong tectonic and weak climatic control of long-term chemical weathering rates, Geology, 29, 511­514, 2001.  [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

41. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, D.E. Granger*, and R.C. Finkel, Minimal climatic control on erosion rates in the Sierra Nevada, California, Geology, 29, 447-450, 2001. [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

40. (GEO) Riebe, C.S.*, J.W. Kirchner, D.E. Granger* and R.C. Finkel, Erosional equilibrium and disequilibrium in the Sierra Nevada, inferred from cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be in alluvial sediment, Geology, 28, 803-806, 2000. [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

39. (GEO) Manga, M. and J.W. Kirchner, Stress partitioning in streams by large woody debris,Water Resources Research, 36, 2373-2379, 2000.  [PDF]

38. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., X.H. Feng and C. Neal, Fractal stream chemistry and its implications for contaminant transport in catchments, Nature, 403, 524-527, 2000.  [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

37. (H2O) Neal, C. and J.W. Kirchner, Sodium and chloride levels in rainfall, mist, streamwater and groundwater at the Plynlimon catchments, mid-Wales: inferences on hydrological and geochemical controls, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 4, 295-310, 2000. [PDF]

36. (H2O) Novak, M.,J.W. Kirchner, H. Groscheova, M. Havel, J. Cerny and R. Krejci, Sulphur isotope dynamics in two Central European watersheds affected by high atmospheric deposition of SOx, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,64, 367-383, 2000. [PDF]

35. (H2O) Whyte, D.C.* and J.W. Kirchner, Assessing water quality impacts and cleanup effectiveness in streams dominated by episodic mercury discharges, Science of the Total Environment, 260, 1-9, 2000. [PDF]

34. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and A. Weil, Delayed biological recovery from extinctions throughout the fossil record, Nature, 404, 177-180, 2000. [PDF]
[Supplementary information PDF]

33. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and A. Weil, Correlations in fossil extinctions and originations through geologic time, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B267, 1301-1309, 2000. [PDF]

32. (ECO) Roy, B.A. and J.W. Kirchner, Evolutionary dynamics of pathogen resistance and tolerance, Evolution, 54, 51-63, 2000. [PDF]

31. (ECO) Roy, B.A., J.W. Kirchner, C.S. Christian and L.E. Rose, High disease incidence and apparent disease tolerance in a North American Great Basin plant community, Evolutionary Ecology, 14, 421-438, 2000. [PDF]

30. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and B.A. Roy, The evolutionary advantages of dying young: epidemiological implications of longevity in metapopulations, The American Naturalist , 154, 140-159, 1999. [PDF]

29. (GEO) Roering, J.J.*, J.W. Kirchner and W.E. Dietrich, Evidence for non-linear, diffusive sediment transport on hillslopes and implications for landscape morphology, Water Resources Research, 35, 853-870, 1999. [PDF]

28. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W.and A. Weil, No fractals in fossil extinction statistics, Nature, 395, 337-338, 1998. [PDF]

27. (H2O) Taylor S., X. Feng, B. Klaue, M. Albert and J. Kirchner, Rare earth elements as chemical tracers in snow studies, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Eastern Snow Conference (S. Taylor and J. Hardy, eds.), 13-20, 1998. [PDF]

26. (GEO) Granger, D.E.*, J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Quaternary downcutting rate of the New River, Virginia, measured from 26Al and 10Be in cave-deposited alluvium, Geology, 25, 107-110, 1997. [PDF]

25. (GEO) Granger, D.E.*, J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Spatially averaged long-term erosion rates measured from in situ cosmogenic nuclides in alluvial sediment,Journal of Geology, 104, 249-257, 1996. [PDF 2.5MB]

24. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., Acid rain revisited (Letter), Science, 273, 293-294, 1996.[PDF]

23. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., R.P. Hooper, C. Kendall, C. Neal, and G. Leavesley, Testing and validating environmental models, Science of the Total Environment, 183, 33-47, 1996. [PDF]

22. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W.and E. Lydersen, Base cation depletion and potential long-term acidification of Norwegian catchments, Environmental Science and Technology,29, 1953-1960, 1995. [PDF 1.6 MB]

21. (GEO) Seidl, M.A., W.E. Dietrich, and J.W. Kirchner, Longitudinal profile development into bedrock: an analysis of Hawaiian channels, Journal of Geology, 102, 457-474, 1994. [PDF 2.8 MB]

20. (GEO) Kirchner, J.W., Statistical inevitability of Horton's laws and the apparent randomness of stream channel networks--Reply to Troutman and Karlinger, Geology, 22, 574-575, 1994. [PDF]

19. (GEO) Kirchner, J.W., Statistical inevitability of Horton's laws and the apparent randomness of stream channel networks--Reply to Masek and Turcotte, Geology, 22, 380-381, 1994. [PDF]

18. (GEO) Kirchner, J.W., Statistical inevitability of Horton's laws and the apparent randomness of stream channel networks, Geology, 21, 591-594, 1993. [PDF]

17. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., P.J. Dillon and B.D. LaZerte, Predictability of geochemical buffering and runoff acidification in spatially heterogeneous catchments, Water Resources Research, 29, 3891-3901, 1993. [PDF 2MB]

16. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., P.J. Dillon and B.D. LaZerte, Separating hydrological and geochemical influences on runoff acidification in spatially heterogeneous catchments, Water Resources Research, 29, 3903-3916, 1993. [PDF 2.6MB]

15. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., P.J. Dillon and B.D. LaZerte, Predicted response of stream chemistry to acid loading tested in Canadian catchments, Nature, 358, 478-482, 1992. [PDF]

14. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., Heterogeneous geochemistry of catchment acidification, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 56, 2311-2327, 1992. [PDF 3.3 MB]

13. (GEO) Buffington, J., W.E. Dietrich, and J.W. Kirchner, Friction angle measurements on a naturally-formed gravel streambed: implications for critical boundary shear stress, Water Resources Research, 28, 411-425, 1992. [PDF 9MB]

12. (ECO) Kirchner, J. W., The Gaia hypotheses: are they testable? Are they useful?, Scientists on Gaia (S.H. Schneider and P.J. Boston, eds.), pp. 38-46, M.I.T. Press, 1991. [PDF 1.5 MB] Also reprinted in Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application (L.P. Pojman, ed.), pp. 146-154, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1994.

11. (H2O) Kirchner, J.W., A strategy for predicting watershed acidification, Ph.D. Thesis, Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, CA., 169 pp., 1990.

10. (GEO) Kirchner, J.W., W.E. Dietrich, F. Iseya, and H. Ikeda, The variability of critical shear stress, friction angle, and grain protrusion in water-worked sediments, Sedimentology, 37, 647-672, 1990. [PDF 3 MB]

9. (GEO) Dietrich, W.E., J.W. Kirchner, H. Ikeda, and F. Iseya, Sediment supply and the development of the coarse surface layer in gravel-bedded rivers, Nature, 340, 215-217, 1989. [PDF]

8. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., Gaia metaphor unfalsifiable (Letter), Nature, 345, 470, 1990. [PDF]

7. (ECO) Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia hypothesis: can it be tested?, Reviews of Geophysics, 27, 223-235, 1989. [PDF 2.3 MB]

6. (OTH) Kirchner, J.W., Diabolical speculations and divine artefacts (Letter), Nature, 337, 498, 1989. [PDF]

5. (OTH) Kirchner, J.W., G. Ledec, R.J.A. Goodland, and J.M. Drake, Carrying capacity, population growth, and sustainable development, Rapid Population Growth and Human Carrying Capacity: Two Perspectives (D.J. Mahar, ed.), World Bank Staff Working Paper no. 690, The World Bank, Washington, pp. 41-89, 1985.

4. (OTH) Singh, I., L. Squire, and J. Kirchner, Agricultural Pricing and Marketing Policies in an African Context: A Framework for Analysis, World Bank Staff Working Paper no. 743, The World Bank, Washington, 106 pp., 1985.

3. (OTH) Kirchner, J.W., Alleviating fuelwood crises in developing countries, M.S. Thesis, Resource Policy Center, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 276 pp., 1982.

2. (OTH) Kirchner, J.W., A conceptual framework for system dynamics model evaluation, in Proceedings of the 1981 System Dynamics Research Conference (D. Andersen and J. Morecroft, eds.), State University of New York at Albany, 1981.

1. (OTH) Kirchner, H.P. and J.W. Kirchner, Fracture mechanics of fracture mirrors, Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 62, 198-202, 1979.


Technical reports

10. Kirchner, J.W., Chemical weathering rates in granitic mountain catchments over 10-year and 10,000-year timescales, Technical completion report, U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, 16 pp., 2001.

9. Kirchner, J.W., R.C. Finkel and C.S. Riebe, Direct measurement of climate effects on long-term rates of erosion and weathering, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics 1997 Annual Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-53809-97, pp. 88-91, 1998.

8. Kirchner, J.W., L. Micheli and J. Farrington. Effects of herbaceous riparian vegetation on stream bank stability. Technical completion report, University of California Water Resources Center, 43 pp., 1998.

7. Kirchner, J.W., Expected effects of closing the Sota channel on flood stage and bank erosion of the Ganges River, near Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership Environmental Exchange Program, 23 pp., 1997.

6. Kirchner, J.W. and J. Harte, Direct method for predicting long-term catchment acidification, Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1990.

5. Kirchner, J.W. and B. Kandoole, The effects of fertilizer subsidy removal in Malawi, Malawi Resident Mission, The World Bank, Lilongwe, Malawi, 52 pp., 1986.

4. Kirchner, J.W., I. Singh, and L. Squire, Agricultural pricing and marketing policies in Malawi: a reduced-form model, Country Policy Dept. Discussion Paper no. 1985-9,The World Bank, Washington, 100 pp., 1985.

3. Kirchner, J.W., I. Singh, and L. Squire, Agricultural pricing and marketing policies in Malawi: a multi-market analysis, Country Policy Dept. Discussion Paper no. 1985-17, The World Bank, Washington, 79 pp., 1985.

2. Goodland, R.J.A., G. Ledec, and J.W. Kirchner, Neoclassical economics and principles of sustainable development, Office of Environmental and Scientific Affairs, The World Bank, Washington, 35 pp., 1984.

1. Squire, L., I. Singh, and J.W. Kirchner, Fertilizer policy analysis: a note prepared for the government of Malawi, Country Policy Department, The World Bank, Washington, 32 pp., 1983.


Non-technical publications

5. Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia Hypothesis: a mixture of fact and fancy, in Encarta (online encyclopedia), in press, 2004.

4. Kirchner, J.W., Sediment delivery ratio, in Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (A. Goudie, ed.), Routledge, in press, 2003.

3. Kirchner, J.W., Encyclopedia of Geochemistry (Book Review), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, in press, 2003.

2. Kirchner, J.W., Acid rain, in The Encyclopedia of the Environment, (R.A. Eblen and W.R. Eblen, eds.), pp. 1-2, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1994.

1. Kirchner, J.W., Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the 21st Century (Book Review), The New York Times Book Review, 29 April 1990, p. 43.


Published abstracts

52. Kirchner, J.W., X. Feng and C. Neal, Linkages between hydrology and biogeochemistry, explored via spectral analysis of catchment hydrochemical data, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H52D-0907, 2002.

51. Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner,  and R.C. Finkel, Denudation rates along the uplifting Northwestern coast of New Zealand's South Island, inferred from 10Be in sediment,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract T71A-1156, 2002.

50. Ramirez-Herrera, T., C.S. Riebe,* J.W. Kirchner,  and R.C. Finkel, Long-term rates of erosion and relief growth along the converging southern Mexican margin, inferred from 10Be in sediment and regolith,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H12B-0921, 2002.

49. Ferrier, K.L.,* J.W. Kirchner,  and R.C. Finkel, Erosion rates over 40-year and 5,000-year timescales at Caspar Creek, Northern California, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H22B-0889, 2002.

48. Yager, E.,* J.W. Kirchner, W.E. Dietrich, and D.J. Furbish, Prediction of sediment transport in steep boulder-bed channels, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H21G-03, 2002.

47. Feng, X.H., J.W. Kirchner, and C. Neal, Hydrological and geochemical dynamics, on timescales from days to decades, revealed through long-term monitoring studies.   Biogeomon International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, Reading, UK, 2002.

46. Feng, X.H., Nez, V.E.,J.W. Kirchner, C.E. Renshaw, R.S. Osterhuber, and S. Sturup, Solute transport processes in temperate snowpacks revealed from nitrate and sulfate concentrations,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83, 2002.

45. Kirchner, J.W., X.H. Feng, C.E. Renshaw and C. Neal, Spectral analysis in catchment hydrology and geochemistry, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 2001.

44. Feng, X.H., J.W. Kirchner, C.E. Renshaw and C. Neal, Estimating whole-catchment chemical retardation factors using spectral analysis of reactive and passive chemical tracer time series, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 2001.

43. Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion in extreme climates, measured by cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 2001.

42. Yager, E.,* W.E. Dietrich, and J.W. Kirchner, Physical modeling of sediment transport in steep boulder-bed channels, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 2001.

41. Johnson, K.R., B.L. Ingram, K. Cuffey, and J.W. Kirchner, Spatial and temporal variability in the stable isotope systematics of modern precipitation in China: Implications for paleoclimate reconstructions, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 2001.

40. Kirchner, J.W. and A. Weil, Fossil extinction and origination rates: linked patterns generated by distinct processes? PaleoBios, 21(suppl 2), 79, 2001.

39. Kirchner, J.W., X. Feng, C. Neal, B.L. Skjelkvaale, T.A. Clair, S. Langan, C. Soulsby, J.S. Kahl, and S.A. Norton, Generality of--and a proposed mechanism for--fractal fluctuations in stream tracer chemistry, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, F554, 2000.

38. Araki, S.,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Geomorphic controls on long-term erosion rates in the Idaho Batholith, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, F506, 2000.

37. Glaser, L.L.,* J.W. Kirchner, C.S. Riebe*, J.L. Clayton, and R.C. Finkel, Chemical weathering rates of the Idaho Batholith inferred over 10-year and 10,000-year timescales, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, F506, 2000.

36. Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, D.E. Granger*, L.L. Glaser*, J.L. Clayton, and R.C. Finkel, Long-term chemical weathering rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, F34, 2000.

35. Yager, E.*, J.W. Kirchner, W.E. Dietrich, Sediment transport in steep boulder-bed channels,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,81, F489, 2000.

34. Riebe, C.S.,* J.W. Kirchner, D.E. Granger* and R.C. Finkel, Tectonic control of erosion rates in the Sierra Nevada, California inferred from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in alluvial sediment, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 80, 1999.

33. Feng, X., C.E. Renshaw, J.W. Kirchner, R. Osterhuber, B. Klaue and S. Taylor, A study of solute transport mechanisms using REE tracers and artificial rain storms on snow, Eos,Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 80, 1999.

32. Kirchner, J.W., X. Feng and C. Neal, Fractal stream chemistry and its implications for contaminant transport in catchments (abstract), Eos,Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 80, 1999.

31. Kirchner, J.W. and A. Weil, Time scales of recovery from extinction, inferred from lags between extinctions and originations through Phanerozoic time,GSA Abstracts with Programs, 31, 1999.

30. Taylor, S., X. Feng, R. Osterhuber, J.W. Kirchner, B. Klaue, and C. Renshaw, The isotopic evolution of snow and its melt, 56th Annual Eastern Snow Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 2-4 June 1999.

29. Kirchner, J.W., R.C. Finkel, C.S. Riebe,* D.E. Granger*, J.L. Clayton, and W.F. Megahan, Episodic erosion of the Idaho Batholith inferred from measurements over 10-year and 10,000-year timescales, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79, 1998.

28. Kirchner, J.W. and A. Weil, The fossil record does not support fractal extinctions or self-organized criticality of the biosphere, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 30, 1998

27. Taylor, S., X. Feng, C. Renshaw, J.W. Kirchner, and R. Osterhuber, Evolution of the isotopic composition of snow and its melt, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79, 1998.

26. Roering, J.J.,* L. Sklar, J.W. Kirchner, and W.E. Dietrich, A laboratory simulation of diffusive sediment transport on hillslopes: non-linear transport and the evolution of convex hilltops, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79, 1998.

25. Granger, D.E.*, C.S. Riebe,* J.W. Kirchner, and R.C. Finkel, Erosional dynamic equilibrium in the Diamond Mountains, California, maintained by boulder armoring of hillslopes, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79, 1998.

24. Kirchner, J.W., Long-term acidification of streams and watersheds revealed by catchment monitoring data, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,78, F326, 1997.

23. Micheli, E.* and J.W. Kirchner, Quantifying how herbaceous vegetation stabilizes stream banks: Monache Meadow, South Fork of the Kern River, Southern Sierra Nevada,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,78, F306, 1997.

22. Riebe, C.S.* andJ.W. Kirchner, Quantifying how topography, soil depth and bedrock erodibility affect long-term erosion rates, using cosmogenic nuclides in alluvial sediment,Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,78, F288, 1997.

21. Roering, J.J.,* J.W. Kirchner and W.E. Dietrich, Evidence for a non-linear diffusive mass wasting transport law and implications for hillslope evolution in the Oregon Coast Range, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78, F286, 1997.

20. Granger, D.E.*, J.W. Kirchner and C.S. Riebe,* Inferring exhumation rates and processes from cosmogenic nuclides in sediments, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 1997.

19. Kirchner, J.W., D.E. Granger* and C.S. Riebe,* Cosmogenic isotope methods for measuring catchment erosion and weathering rates, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 2, 217, 1997. [PDF]

18. Novak, M., J.W. Kirchner and H. Groscheova, Sulphur isotope dynamics in two mountaintop forest catchments in the Black Triangle, Central Europe, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 2, 261, 1997.[PDF]

17. Roy, B.A., J.W. Kirchner, C. Christian and L. Rose, High disease incidence and disease tolerance in a Great Basin plant community (abstract), Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 78, 173, 1997.

16. Granger, D.E.*, L. Piccini, J.W. Kirchner, L. Carmignani, P. Fantozzi, M. Meccheri and E. Tavarnelli, Dating exhumation of orogenic belts using cosmogenic isotopes in cave deposits and alluvial terraces, Proceedings, IV International Conference on Geomorphology, Bologna, Italy, 1997

15. Riebe, C.S.,* D.E. Granger* and J.W. Kirchner, Quantifying effects of climate and topography on long-term erosion rates using cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in alluvial sediment, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 77, F251, 1996.

14. Roering, J.J.,* J.W. Kirchner and W.E. Dietrich, Identification and characterization of deep-seated landslides in the Oregon Coast Range using digital terrain data (abstract), Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,77, F246, 1996.

13. Kirchner, J.W., Long-term acidification resulting from catchment base cation depletion: geochemical theory and field observations, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1, 312, 1996. [PDF]

12. Granger, D.E.* and J.W. Kirchner, Downcutting rate of the New River, Virginia, from 26Al/10Be in buried river gravels, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76, F689, 1995.

11. Granger, D.E.* and J.W. Kirchner, Erosional response to tectonic forcing inferred from cosmogenic isotopes in alluvial sediment, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 75, 289, 1994.

10. Granger D.E.* and J.W. Kirchner, Estimating catchment-wide denudation rates from cosmogenic isotope concentrations in alluvial sediment: Fort Sage Mountains, California, in Abstracts of the Eighth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology, and Isotope Geology (M.A. Lanphere, G.B. Dalrymple and B.D. Turrin, eds.), pp. 116. U.S.G.S. Circular 1107, 1994.

9. Kirchner J.W., Chronic base cation depletion revealed by long-term monitoring data from Norwegian catchments, in Abstracts: Biogeomon Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior: Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments(ed. J. Cerny), pp. 146-147. Czech Geological Survey, Prague, 1993.

8. Kirchner, J.W., Geochemical methods for interpreting runoff chemistry from manipulated catchments, in Experimental Manipulations of Biota and Biogeochemical Cycling in Ecosystems
(L. Rasmussen, T. Brydges and P. Mathy, eds.), pp. 128-130, 1993.

7. Kirchner J.W., Chronic base cation depletion revealed by long-term monitoring data from Norwegian catchments, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74,279, 1993.

6. Kirchner J.W., Predictability of geochemical buffering and runoff acidification in spatially heterogeneous catchments, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union73,179, 1992.

5. Kirchner J.W., Heterogeneous geochemistry of catchment acidification, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 72, 194, 1991.

4. Kirchner J.W. and J. Harte, A theory and an experimental strategy for predicting watershed acidification, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 69, 1199, 1988.

3. Blanchard P.E., C.L. Blanchard and J.W. Kirchner, Surface waters, snow melt, and ground water in an alpine/subalpine watershed, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union69,1199, 1988

2. Dietrich, W.E., J.W. Kirchner, F. Iseya and H. Ikeda, The origin of the coarse surface layer in gravel-bedded streams: the role of sediment supply, GSA Abstracts with programs 19, 642, 1987.

1. Kirchner J.W., and J. Harte, The titration of a subalpine watershed: a model for predicting the chronology of acidification, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 67, 935, 1986


Invited talks and conference presentations (without published abstracts)

26. Kirchner, J.W. and A. Weil, Dynamics of extinction and diversification, as revealed by spectral analysis of the fossil record

-University of California Museum of Paleontology, May 2002. 

25. Kirchner, J.W., A spectral view of catchment hydrology and geochemistry

-AGU Chapman Conference on State-of-the-Art Hillslope Hydrology, Sunriver, OR, October 2001
-University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, November 2001
-University of Arizona, November 2001
-Dartmouth College, February 2002
-Oregon State University, May 2002
-Cornell University, May 2003
-Australia-Japan Workshop on Prediction in Ungauged Basins, Perth, Australia, February 2004

24. Kirchner, J.W., Mountain erosion over 10-year, 10,000-year, and 10,000,000-year timescales

-University of California, Santa Cruz, October 2000
-University of California, Berkeley, December 2000
-Johns Hopkins University, April 2001
-Idaho Fire and Erosion Workshop, Boise, ID, July 2001
-University of California, Davis, February 2002

23. Kirchner, J.W., Simplicity and complexity, in model watersheds and real ones

-Gordon Conference on Hydrological, Biological, and Geochemical Processes in Forested Catchments, July 1999

22. Riebe, C.S.* andJ.W. Kirchner, Physical and chemical weathering rates from cosmogenic nuclide and geochemical mass balance techniques: data from six sites in the Sierra Nevada.

-GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Berkeley, CA, June 1999

21. Whyte, D.C.* andJ.W. Kirchner, Assessing water quality impacts and cleanup effectiveness in streams dominated by episodic mercury discharges.

-V International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Rio de Janeiro, May 1999

20. Kirchner, J.W., A systems approach to forest ecosystem research

-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, May 1998

19. Kirchner, J.W., Cosmogenic isotope methods for measuring long-term rates of erosion and weathering

-University of Reading, November, 1997
-University of Oregon, May 1998
-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, May 1998

18. Taylor, S., X. Feng, R. Osterhuber, J. Kirchner and B. Klaue, Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of snowmelt from an isotopically well-characterized snowpack.

-55th Eastern Snow Conference, Jackson, NH, June 1998

17. Whyte, D.* and J.W. Kirchner, Fluvial transport of mercury in a watershed impacted by mining.

-Third Annual Mercury Conference, Coastal Advocates, Asilomar, California, February 1998.

16. Kirchner, J.W. Hydrologic and geomorphic effects of modifying the Ganges River channel below Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

-Dept. of Civil Engineering, Benares Hindu University, Varanasi, India, January 1997

15. Kirchner, J.W., Why the acid rain problem hasn't gone away: long-term effects of acid deposition on the geochemistry of lakes and streams

-Harvard University, March 1995
-University of California, Berkeley (Surface and subsurface hydrology seminar), April 1995
-Swiss Federal Instititute of Technology (ETH), June 1995
-University of California, Berkeley (Dept. of Geology and Geophysics), August 1995
-Stanford University (Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences), April 1996
-Dartmouth College (Dept. of Earth Sciences), December 1996
-Georgia Institute of Technology (Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences), May 1997
-Göttingen University (Forest Ecosystems Research Center), November 1997

14. Kirchner, J.W., What controls rates of weathering and erosion? Linkages between climate change and earth surface processes.

-Dartmouth College (Dept. of Earth Sciences), December 1996

13. Kirchner, J.W., Testing and evaluating environmental models / Uncertainty in environmental analysis and decisionmaking / Water and energy: interactions between two critical resources / Acid rain and energy technologies

-20th International Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Bhurban, Pakistan, July 1995

12. Kirchner, J.W., Predicted catchment response to long-term depletion of exchangeable bases tested against direct instrumental records

-NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Ecosystem Modeling, Bayreuth, February 1994

11. Kirchner, J.W., Acid rain made easy: geochemical techniques for predicting watershed acidification and trace element mobilization

-Harvard University, March 1994
-University of Oregon, April 1994
-University of California, Berkeley (Soil science seminar), February 1992
-University of Oslo, May 1992.

10. Kirchner, J.W., Predicting runoff acidification in spatially heterogeneous watersheds

-University of California, Berkeley (Surface and subsurface hydrology), February 1993

9. Kirchner, J.W., A strategy for predicting long-term effects of acid precipitation on surface waters

-California Institute of Technology, April 1989
-Harvard University, September 1989
-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), January 1990

8. Kirchner, J.W., The topology of stream channel networks: are Horton's laws inevitable, Shreve's "random model" unbeatable, and detailed topological structure unknowable?

-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), January 1990
-University of Wyoming, February 1990
-Gilbert Club Annual Meeting, University of California, Berkeley, December 1988

7. Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia hypothesis: fact, theory, metaphor, or religion?

-University of California, Berkeley (Integrative biology seminar), November 1990

6. Harte, J. and J.W. Kirchner, The contribution of water-column colloids to lakewater acid neutralizing capacity

-American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Hydrogeochemical Responses of Forested Catchments, Bar Harbor, September 1989

5. Kirchner, J.W., A physically-based method for predicting chronic watershed acidification directly from field measurements and laboratory analyses

-American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Hydrogeochemical Responses of Forested Catchments, Bar Harbor, September 1989

4. Kirchner, J.W., Analytical acidification predictions

-California Air Resources Board Integrated Watershed Study Review Meeting, February 1989.

3. Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia hypotheses: are they testable? Are they useful?

-American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on the Gaia Hypothesis, March 1988

2. Kirchner, J.W., Analyzing the impact of pricing policy: the Malawi agricultural pricing model

-U.S. Agency for International Development Economists' Conference, November 1987

1. Kirchner, J.W., Agricultural policy modeling: lessons from East Africa

-International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, October 1984