Publication(s) with 2014-02 dataset
Chamberlin, C., T. Bianchi, A. Brown, M. Cohen, X. Dong, M. Flint, J. Martin, D. McLaughlin, A. Murray, A. Pain, C. Quintero, N. Ward, X. Zhang, and J. Heffernan (2018), Mass Balance Implies Holocene Development of a Low-relief Karst Patterned Landscape, Chemical Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.05.029
McLaughlin, D., J. Diamond, C. Quintero, J. Heffernan, and M. Cohen (2019), Wetland Connectivity Thresholds and Flow Dynamics from Stage Measurements, Water Resources Research, 55(7), 6018-6032, doi: 10.1029/2018WR024652
Quintero, C. and M. Cohen (2019), Scale-dependent Patterning of Wetland Depressions in a Low-relief Karst Landscape, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, doi: 10.1029/2019JF005067
Klammler, H., C. Quintero, J. Jawitz, D. McLaughlin, and M. Cohen (2020), Local Storage Dynamics of Individual Wetlands Predict Wetlandscape Discharge, Water Resources Research, 56, doi: 10.1029/2020WR027581
Ward, N., T. Bianchi, J. Martin, C. Quintero, H. Sawakuchi, and M. Cohen (2020), Pathways for Methane Emissions and Oxidation that Influence the Net Carbon Balance of a Subtropical Cypress Swamp, Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.573357
Quintero, C. (2020), Geometric Controls on Water and Carbon Fluxes in a Subtropical Karst Wetland Landscape, PhD Dissertation, University of Florida